
About Me

I am an editorial leader who loves building stronger and more relevant brands through the power of best-in-class content. I work across all media types and platforms, growing audiences and driving engagement using strategies I’ve honed over years leading some of the world’s most respected media brands. My superpower is combining an innate understanding of what makes great stories with sophisticated thinking about consumer needs and behaviors, ensuring that my work not only breaks through but also generates results. I have a proven track record of building and managing high performing teams and transforming organizations in need of ambitious new thinking and innovation. I believe that inclusive and collaborative work environments are the healthiest and most successful, and I strive every day to ensure that the organizations I lead are places where everyone can find fulfilment and enjoyment in what they do.


Storytelling + UX +
Consumer Insights = Brand Strength

This is what I have focused on for most of my career: how the most engaging content, exceptional user experiences, and a deep understanding of the consumer can be harnessed to drive brands’ growth and influence.


My #1 imperative:


Build great teams, clearly articulate strategy and goals, and give people the freedom to try out new things and learn—from what works, and what doesn’t. I believe a thoughtful yet agile process of experimentation, in which people feel safe to be bold and (yes) sometimes fail, is a key driver of innovation and long-term success.


By The Numbers


years experience

I love taking the skills I’ve honed over my career and applying them to our current environment. The rapid pace of change driven by technology has created more opportunity than ever for stories to be told and connect with diverse audiences, and it fuels creativity.



companies worked for

Observing and absorbing different work cultures has given me clear ideas on what I think makes for the most successful organizations and teams—and I believe it begins with leadership that establishes strategy, makes smart decisions, and empowers people.



continents visited

Antarctica still eludes me but I’ve been to all the others, multiple times. I’ve been a devoted traveler my entire adult life, and I believe strongly in travel’s power to expand minds: it can make you both a smarter and a better person, more receptive to new ideas and different ways.


Getting Personal

Most of this site is devoted to my professional life, but for those who are curious…

I live in Seattle, Washington, with my husband, Charles, and our dog, a Lagotto Romagnolo named Marco.

I am passionate about politics, conservation and preservation, and justice. I love cooking, wine and spirits, menswear, design, and travel. I have an extensive LP collection, heavy on the great female singers of the 40s through the 70s. I collect old magazines, fossils, and Danish and Japanese pottery. I love to run and have—finally—started to get the hang of meditating.

I speak French (not as well as I used to). Fun fact: I used to be fluent in Welsh.

Much of what I know for certain about life I learned from my grandmothers.
